
Our current spot value is 53.21 AUD. For details Please contact +(61) 449 891 010. Spot value date is 14 Sep 2020

Currency Convertor
Currency Convertor
AMT : 53.17 Updated On 10 Sep 2020 17:06:46 PM

How FlyWorld money works?

Create Your Account

Create Your Account

If you haven't registered with us before please click on New Register and become a member. Registration process is very easy, simple and needs to be done only once..

User Login

User Login

Log in with your Username (usually same as your email address) and Password.

Tell Us Your Transfer Details

Tell Us Your Transfer Details

Click on Send Money from the top menu. Select the Destination Country. Select the Deposit Method. Enter the amount you want to send.

Verify Receiver Details

Verify Receiver Details

Sender Information should be already filled up with your details. If can update your information if you need.

Choose Receiver

Choose Receiver

In the Pay To part you need to fill in with the receiver's details. If you have already sent to this receiver before, you can search existing receiver details by clicking the Search button and then select the appropriate one from the list.

Make Your Payment

Make Your Payment

Click on Save / Send button and your order would be submitted for processing.

Netbanking / POLi

Netbanking / POLi

During submitting the order, please transfer the money using Netbanking / POLi.

SMS Confirmation

SMS Confirmation

You will receive SMS with the PIN for Instant Cash order and SMS confirmation once the money is deposited in the bank A/C for Bank transfer order.

Start sending money with
FlyWorld money today

24/7 Support

Money Transfers at your Fingertips

Fly World Money Exchange provides you with the latest technology in instant money transfer combined with the least charges; we will make sure that your money transfer will be the easiest one that you have ever experienced. Making sure that you get the most out of your currency.

Need Help?

Visit our FAQs or just get in touch. Our Customer Care is just a call away.

+(61) 449 891 010